Don't leave your Raingutter Regatta boat to do the day of the competition. The glue has to have time to dry or you will just end up with a mess.
You must wear shoes, not sandels to preschool and if you decide to not change into appropriate footwear when Mom comes to the school, you have to leave. We all have choices to make. Some are easier than others.
Stay away from the nest the small Mama bird is building in the backyard. She's mean when she wants to be and she doesn't care that she's 1/50th the size of you.
Taking a chance and a road trip now and then can be more fun than you thought it would be. Spending time with Grandpa is cool, and away from your sister is better. Coming home is always good too.
Growing a garden is a lot of work, every day. Seeing tiny seeds sprouting is a great payoff. It will be a bigger payoff if/when we actually get to harvest something. It's a community garden plot, which means it's in the open and critters like gophers, rabbits,snails, cats and dogs and neighborhood children all have access. Being obedient and doing it anyway is worth it too.
The word Vaccine really means shot. It's not good, even if you do get your choice of cool stickers afterwards. You learn you can't be bribed where pain is involved.
Having Easter dinner with friends who didn't plan in advance to come is heartwarming. If you open your heart and your home to new people you are blessed with love and laughter. And pineapple upside down cake is awesome. So are Bunny biscuits.
When the Wii breaks, your kids will find other things to occupy their time. Including building forts, digging in the yard, blowing bubble and actually talking to other people. We've decided to get it fixed, eventually.
It's okay when things don't turn out exactly how you planned. Especially when it's a casserole in the oven that never quite heats up. You can have a good dinner out of cereal, toast and left over hard boiled eggs. And you get to be creative for dinner for the rest of the week while repairs are mapped out to said oven. Of course there's no propane for the grill right now either.... so pancakes for dinner on the electric griddle it is! Yipee!
Choosing your own clothes and dressing yourself does not necessarily mean Mom will let you out of the house in said outfit.(What, she said, they both have stripes? Reminds me of her Grandmother.)
You can never predict when a good conversation will happen. Having unexpected conversations with your Big Kid about your beliefs is amazing. It's even better that you were both receptive to learning and being taught something important. Those are the times that make parenting worth it.