November 17, 2012

An afternoon away

Justin is getting down to the last of his date cards from Christmas last year. This past weekend we spent the afternoon in Balboa parking taking a self-guided walking tour. We took the trolley without having to worry about wrestling strollers or kids jumping out the open windows and just took our time. We saw some fun new spots and visited a non-family friendly museum. We walked through the Rose garden and had to snap some pictures. It was printed on the date card that there must be photos. Quiet, relaxing, and good to reconnect.

 He's either silly or grumpy in all of his photos. Gotta love this guy.

 The "couples" photo.

 My shoes match the flowers.
I feel like I look old in this picture but I am sure in 10 years I will wish I looked this young again. Time marches on.

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